
Bye-Bye Bloggers

well, this semester was really odd to me, i had good moments and other´s not so good in my personal life outside of FAU, but they indeed have an impact on my university life. I think the moment i enyojed the most was my trip to tocopilla next to my taller course, Was really important to me because its my first trip in the university, and i learn a lot about industry and how this industry ended up giving this city the category of sacrifice zone. This semester in particular i did not have boring subjects however the history and critical subject was rare to me, despite history has been one of my prefered curses along the career, in this semester i really didnt achive good grades, in fact, my worst marks were here. I ended up passing that subject dispite my bad marks. On the other hand i think my best marks were on the structural subject. This semester i experimented something i never experienced it before, i work with my 24 classmates doing a master plan for the city of tocopilla, it was ...

listening/reading tests

 In general terms i don´t think it was a difficult test. Despite listening to british english, the vocabulary used was quite understandable, without using slang or very local pronunciations. Likewise, in the grammatical part there were no words that were difficult for me or that i did not have on my record. In therms of score, in both tests. listening and reading, i made some mistakes but there were few.

Someone Interesting that you follow on Social Media

 Well, the time that social networks consume us is undeniable, in my case I close the account that I most use oftenly, which is Instagram, but the degree of communicational dependence we have is such, that I have to open it constantly. Despite this, since I started studying Arquitecture, Instagram with Pinterest has served me to see people´s projects or pages, or it has even directed me to more academic magazines from other countries. Although I think that the overexposure is not good, and obiously we often deal with quite aestheticized Arquitecture, but, I think I have been able to rescue something. Doing zapping as it was said in the time of the TV, I found the profile of an arquitect who uploads content of unpublished works, and what most caught my attention, the fact that he usually uploads works of arquitects who are not known or at least not in occident.                                   ...

Something You Enjoy Doing Outdoors

The activity I most enjoy doing outside is climbing mountains. The truth is that my family don’t like or have the habit of hikking. The only memories I have as a child climbing mountains are when we climbed the hill near my great-grandparent´s house to raise volantines on September 18 th . Maybe I don’t consider that as a big deal, but it´s because in Chile we are surrounded by mountains. I think this taste started when I was a teenager when I was surrounded by friends who did have the habit of hikking and a outdoor life. Together, we climbed the nearby hills in the V region and even dabbled in the art of mochilear before the pandemic. Once to Chiloe and the other to Bariloche. It may seem silly, but the greatest sensory memory of those walks to raise volantines with my family that I told you about a while ago, was when I ran down the hill with my cousins. That adrenaline has captivated me and perhaps later I will dare to do more risky climbs. The last big climb I did was in July. Me a...


In terms of languages, Latin America has such a poor level of English because it is not really a necessity. With the exception of Brazil we all speak the same language. In addition to this, the English classes taught at school prioritize the writing and listening part over the speaking part. In my case, I have had English classes since I was 4 years old, I can read, listen and write English and make myself understood. However, since I do not have the need to be understood by another person who speaks another language, my spoken skills are very bad. Despite this, I think I can make myself understood. The easiest thing I find about the English language is being able to be understood despite not having such an extensive vocabulary or handling so many strictly rules.  Even so, there are certain accents that are difficult for me to understand and this is precisely the part that complicates me. The movies have trained me to understand the most common and sometimes stereotyped accents, bu...

A job

B efore starting to study I had 3 jobs. The first was when I was 16,  the job was about something that was very common in Chile, packaging. which consisted of packaging or bagging people's products at the supermarket. As you can imagine, today, without bags in supermarkets, this work that was only done by underage students, disappeared. Fortunately, I was able to be in the period before this happened and be able to raise the money for what I wanted at that moment. My drums. After that, I had other jobs but nothing serious or that lasted more than 1 or 2 months. Last summer, given my interest in photography, I was invited to participate in a heritage photographic compilation project, with a photographer from my city, something that kept me very happy and focus at the work . So, if I could choose a dream job, this would be it . Putting together an exhibition and thinking of ways to present our work was something I loved. The art of presenting, of showing, is something that we are cer...
 Music Since the pandemic I started the habit of listening to at least 1 album a day, it is something that totally takes me out of my routine, it is my ritual. The album I listened yesterday was philos by Park Jiha, an interesting work that mixes the fleeting nature of ambient with samples of different artists. Movies The other day I went to the Normandie cinema to see the movie that I think brings in tears  even to the harshest fascist. La memoria infinita, another masterpiece by maite alberdi that left me amazed. Blog I plan to travel to Germany in the summer and I started to learn German very very very very slowly. The two pages that I have occupied this time have been nicos Weg, which is a very interactive website to practice and the Easy German YouTube channel where I can familiarize myself with the language in a more fluid way. Without a doubt these two spaces have helped many people who have decided to migrate or learn the language. Museum Unfortunately I couldn't be in...