
Since the pandemic I started the habit of listening to at least 1 album a day, it is something that totally takes me out of my routine, it is my ritual.

The album I listened yesterday was philos by Park Jiha, an interesting work that mixes the fleeting nature of ambient with samples of different artists.


The other day I went to the Normandie cinema to see the movie that I think brings in tears  even to the harshest fascist.

La memoria infinita, another masterpiece by maite alberdi that left me amazed.


I plan to travel to Germany in the summer and I started to learn German very very very very slowly.

The two pages that I have occupied this time have been nicos Weg, which is a very interactive website to practice and the Easy German YouTube channel where I can familiarize myself with the language in a more fluid way.

Without a doubt these two spaces have helped many people who have decided to migrate or learn the language.


Unfortunately I couldn't be in Santiago for September 11, so the first thing I did when I returned was visit the memory museum that left me speechless.

The amount of information there was in commemoration was overwhelming and I think that was the purpose of this anniversary.

I was there for 4 hours and there was a moment when I had to get out of so much harsh reality.


Inside the memory museum there was an exhibition by Ches Garretsen that captivated me for almost 2 hours.
And being able to see the contact strips of all the films that he shot in Chile, being able to see all the scenes before and after the most iconic photos, I loved it. I was speechless, if you like photography, being able to see the entire creative process behind this photographer's photo is something that I definitely recommend.


The truth is, living in Santiago, television completely disappeared from my life and I have started listening to many podcasts.
Although TV was never something that I watched very frequently, I did use it only to find out about football.
So the balong podcast by Manuel de Tezanos has become my way of staying informed.


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