A job

Before starting to study I had 3 jobs.

The first was when I was 16,  the job was about something that was very common in Chile, packaging.
which consisted of packaging or bagging people's products at the supermarket. As you can imagine, today, without bags in supermarkets, this work that was only done by underage students, disappeared.

Fortunately, I was able to be in the period before this happened and be able to raise the money for what I wanted at that moment. My drums.

After that, I had other jobs but nothing serious or that lasted more than 1 or 2 months.
Last summer, given my interest in photography, I was invited to participate in a heritage photographic compilation project, with a photographer from my city, something that kept me very happy and focus at the work . So, if I could choose a dream job, this would be it
Putting together an exhibition and thinking of ways to present our work was something I loved. The art of presenting, of showing, is something that we are certainly taught internally in the architecture career, being acute in thinking about the most correct way to make your ideas or project shine
Nowadays photography is my means of expression, a while ago it was painting, but to be honest, whatever the medium is, the way of exposing the ideas and constructing them in a space, is what, for me, makes them more interesting.

The key to improving in this job for me is to do and do, try and try, only practice can help you improve and of course cultivate your brain, because if the ideas are not good, no matter how well you show them, they won't stop being bad.

The artist I ike the most how he creates his work and presents it to the public is Alfredo Jaar, in his works you can appreciate how much time he spend in thinking how he is going to spatialize his intervention.

Here is a documentary film of Alfredo Jaar an his creative process.



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BLOG 4 - My dream job
