Someone Interesting that you follow on Social Media

 Well, the time that social networks consume us is undeniable, in my case I close the account that I most use oftenly, which is Instagram, but the degree of communicational dependence we have is such, that I have to open it constantly.

Despite this, since I started studying Arquitecture, Instagram with Pinterest has served me to see people´s projects or pages, or it has even directed me to more academic magazines from other countries. Although I think that the overexposure is not good, and obiously we often deal with quite aestheticized Arquitecture, but, I think I have been able to rescue something.

Doing zapping as it was said in the time of the TV, I found the profile of an arquitect who uploads content of unpublished works, and what most caught my attention, the fact that he usually uploads works of arquitects who are not known or at least not in occident.


Areasvellas it has basically become a great pillar in terms of what I consume on Instagram because he constantly uploads works, it is like a propellant to later investigate these characters, but the most important thing, to get out of the aestheticization of what has already been established, to be able to judge by a personal look in times where the aestheticization of things forces us to hate or love without detention.


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