Hi teacher and classmates, today I am going to introduce myself, so, my name is Alfonso Zelaya, I was born in La Serena on January 26, 2001 but all of my life i lived in a small town called Nogales. I would not dare to say that my town is a dormitory town where people only live at night, because the population is mainly long-lived and the employment rates exist, but many people work in other nearly towns and it is the case of my parents for which I always studied in other towns especifically in Calera on my first 3 years and in Quillota for the rest of my school years, In total i studied in 4 schools, yeah, I know that its a lot but I have good memories of all of them and i keep friends of all of these. Two of these changes were my parents's desition, and the final change it was my decision and I changed in 4to medio.

It was in that year, 2018, my last year in school, that I decided to start to play some instrument, i always love music but I never attempt to play any instrument, but this year, I dont now, it was like an a epiphany, a insight moment or whatever pretencious name that you want to give it, I decided to buy a drums, i worked all the summer as a packaging in a supermarket and I bought it, obviosly, I didnt know how to learn it and I didnt  now if I was going to like it, but fortuntely I love it.

During this year I play a lot, and there were many musicians in that school so my first experience was on the best stage, playing with people.I always knew that i didnt want to got into university soon as I finished school, and playing drums gave a meaning to that year that I wanted to reflect ( I really hate the term "año sabatico") and in this year i took classes with a teacher to learn in a formal way.

 Despite my taste for music, my previous interests were linked to urban studies and society and also I like maths but I did not want to study something so technical, so I decided to enter to study architecture,  and I also wanted to find myself with an artistic look that I had forgotten, because in my childhood I liked to paint and draw a lot. 

The career made me appreciete cinema more than before so in my free time I like to watch movies and Im still having class of drums so I practice in the free moments.

The quarantine has made us do new things and in my case I liked to learn to bake, so this is a new thing that i like to do when i have time, so, if we finf ourselves when the pandemic end, probably I will have a few more kilos than in the zoom photo.


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