In terms of languages, Latin America has such a poor level of English because it is not really a necessity. With the exception of Brazil we all speak the same language. In addition to this, the English classes taught at school prioritize the writing and listening part over the speaking part. In my case, I have had English classes since I was 4 years old, I can read, listen and write English and make myself understood. However, since I do not have the need to be understood by another person who speaks another language, my spoken skills are very bad. Despite this, I think I can make myself understood. The easiest thing I find about the English language is being able to be understood despite not having such an extensive vocabulary or handling so many strictly rules. Even so, there are certain accents that are difficult for me to understand and this is precisely the part that complicates me. The movies have trained me to understand the most common and sometimes stereotyped accents, bu...